Thanks, as ever, for turning the figures around so quickly. I always forget the deadline is three weeks after period end for ECSL submission.
Roland, London
Thanks for your note - and asking for the extension. Many thanks in advance of our meeting!
Philippa, London
Thanks for completing that (SATR). And thanks for the reminder (VAT). If I don’t speak to you before have a lovely Easter weekend in the sunshine!
Vanessa, London
You're wonderful. Thank you. I'll let you know if there are any issues.
Rory, London
Thanks so much Lucia, that's really helpful (IR35 review).
Rachel, Tring
Thanks for coming back to me so quickly. If convenient I'd like to call you later today for a brief chat about PAYE and dividends. Thanks again.
Andrew, London
Your emails are sooo much easier than their (HMRC) website – all paid! Thank you.
Phil, Hertfordshire
Thank you so much! VAT return has now been filed and cheque is in the post. Many thanks for all your help this morning.
Michele, Kent
Many thanks for your help and advice. Yes, I will definitely stay on the maternity leave for six months, so if you could submit the information, that would be much appreciated. Many thanks again. Have a lovely (and sunny!) weekend!
Gosia, Hemel Hempstead
Thank you for arranging my original agreement (with HMRC) it looks like you managed to get really good deal.
Pawel, London
You have been provided such a brilliant service to me, many thanks for all your help in the last couple of years.
Denis, Ireland
You have done terrific job for Sigma, thank you very much.
Garth, London
Thank you very much for your hard work, help and always quick advice. Many thanks again!
Derek, Hemel Hempstead
You've been such an amazing help. Keep smiling and enjoy what life brings!
Maria, Hemel Hempstead
Thank you for all the help you have provided us.
Lionel, London
Thank-you for all your help up until now.
Dean, London
If you ever need a reference you can definitely give my name and phone number. Thanks for everything you have done.
Kathy, London